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Project background

I took up English at 7, so this year marks the 50-anniversary of my involvement with this language. I use this occasion to unveil my method for learning languages to the international community. In 1983, I graduated from the MIFI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), where I later got a PhD and taught as a docent. In 1991, I graduated from the MGLU (Moscow State Linguistic University) as a teacher of English, French, German and Latin. After that, I taught English and French at the MIFI part-time. Then I moved on to translation, which is what I still do (check out my Multitran page here). I also continued my language studies and added Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and Ancient Greek to my portfolio. However, despite my extensive linguistic knowledge, credentials (see my degree and transcriptreverse) and experience, I was still bad at speaking English and other languages, not being able to get rid of my thick Russian accent and failing to articulate my thoughts fluently, grammatically and stress-free. It was not until I had developed and used my internalization method, which in turn had only been made possible by the advent of modern technologies at the turn of the century, that I succeeded in rising to a whole new level of language command, which is largely on a par with native-level speech. For 20 years now, I’ve been using this method for both my personal development and teaching languages to my family, friends, acquaintances and private pupils, and now I’m offering it to you. I intend to blog about the internalization method also in Russian on LiveJournal


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